Review 2x1Gb Ballistix Tracer PC2-6400 - Conclusions

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These memories is one of the best pc6400 kit we ever tried. For sure is the best looking one! They have their best performance with timings 4-4-4-12 and 2.4v.

If you don’t want just a PC6400@PC8000 kit, you can loose the timings and reach the timing, at 5-5-5-15, and you will be able to be stable at DDR2-1200 MHz.

After some hours of tests at 2.4 v we didn’t have any heat problem, this means that the heatspreader works as good as the whole kit does!

You have to this that all the test were made with stock component (only the 2.7volts were made with vmod) and a normal air cooling, so everyone can beat reach and beat our scorse. We are pretty sure that with better cooling systems this kit is able to beat the DDR2-1400 Mhz wall.

The price in Italy is around 350 Euros (around 450USD) and it’s aligned with all the PC6400 kits. But with this kit you will have a modding effect too!

This memory kit is for who like to overclock but don’t want toh ave a bottle-neck on the memories. But it’s also for everyone who wants an excellent DDR2 kit with an awesome look!

Performance: Image

Quality / Price: Image

Overall Score: Image

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Andrea De Angeli & Marco Dominici